Sample High Performance Interactions Inventory (HPII) for Teams
As a leader, how effective are your interactions?
View a Sample HPII Score Report for an Operations Team
Director of Operations was concerned with her team’s level of conflict, lack of mutual support, and late delivery on their last project. Some team members had complained about certain team members failing to cooperate, lacking motivation to complete items they had promised, and a general lack of trust between team members. She had her team, including herself, take the HPII Total Team inventory as a way of further understanding how they were interacting with each other and the effect it was having on their team performance.
While the Team Dysfunction Checklist provides documentation of the Director’s concerns about her team, for a more detailed analysis and a plan for working effectively together, we suggested she have her team, including herself, take the HPII Total Team inventory and work with one of our coaches.
Preview this sample of the HPII for Teams score report and see for yourself how the results are delivered.
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